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Observation data collection is a research method where data is gathered by directly observing subjects in their natural environment without interfering. Researchers carefully watch and record behaviors, interactions, or events to draw conclusions and identify patterns. This method is often used in fields such as psychology, anthropology, and education to provide rich, detailed insights into human behavior and phenomena.

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Q: What is observation data collection?
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Observation, data collection and analysis.

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the main advantages of using observation as a method of data collection include the followingit is a fast method of collection of data as information obtained can be readily availableit is cheap compared to other forms of data collection as only observation and recording is donefirst hand information is obtained as the observer does not relay on someone else to provide the collected can be very accurate as the observer usually gathers the information that he or she desiresobservation method of collection of data saves time as it does not require details or questioning which may result to time wastage.

How does research study is differ from data collection process?

Part of research is observation, measurement and data collection, but research goes further in trying to explain/understand what the data mean, providing insight into how reality works.

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Participant observation

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What is an advantage of the participant observation research method? A. It provides opportunities to see things that may have been missed in a less direct data collection. (Correct Answer) B. It ensures that there is no bias in the collection of data. C. It creates opportunities to include guess work and the observer's personal perspective in the collection of the data. D. It develops guidelines to prevent miscalculations while analyzing the data that were collected. Apex Teddi

Measurement in a sentence?

A collection of data by the accurate observation of an object or process using a standard unit. Good enough?