By long division.By long division.By long division.By long division.
one feet is one foot. Feet is the plural form of foot. One foot is 12 inches.
.2 Remember, you can always take a calculator or long hand out fractions into decimal form by dividing the top number (Numerator) by the bottom (Denominator).
Volume = pi1210 = 31.416 cubic feet rounded to 3 decimal places
My foot
By long division.By long division.By long division.By long division.
one feet is one foot. Feet is the plural form of foot. One foot is 12 inches.
the square root of 14 has no simplest form without making a long decimal.
I don't think an arch will form. heels force the feet into a position that puts stress on the ball of the foot. But inserts and rolling the arch of your foot on a soup can will help
1year and 21 seconds
In a 55 foot long keelboat and two smaller pirogues.
.2 Remember, you can always take a calculator or long hand out fractions into decimal form by dividing the top number (Numerator) by the bottom (Denominator).
My foot is actually about 1 foot long!
Expressed as a decimal, 3.86 x 10-7 = 0.000000386.
Volume = pi1210 = 31.416 cubic feet rounded to 3 decimal places
A long time ago a king wanted to see how long his foot was. His foot was exactly 12 feet long so he called that a foot.
My foot