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Q: What is one-sixth added to four-sixths?
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Why does deforest occur?

IN1600 onesixth of India's landmass was under cultivation.

What is onesixth divided by 30?

1/6 / 30 = 1/180 or one one hundred and eightieth. Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to 0.005 recurring (that is, 0.0055555...)

Is have added or had added correct?

Both "have added" and "had added" can be correct, depending on the context. "Have added" is present perfect tense, indicating that something was added recently or is ongoing. "Had added" is past perfect tense, indicating that something was added before a specific time in the past.

What number when added to?

That depends what it is to be added to.

What is the past tense of added?

"added" is the past tence for "add". there is no past tence for "added"

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Is added adjective?

The word 'added' is the past participle, past tense of the verb 'to add'. The past participle is also an adjective, for example added value, added sugar, added stress, etc.

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When was the helmet added in football?

it was added in 1978

How does a can of paint get its color?

Pigments are added to the paint. Pigments are added to the paint. Pigments are added to the paint.

Why was Washington added in Washington D.C.?

Washington was never added to D.C .. D.C was added to Washington :) np

When is time added to a FIFA game?

If there is any time that needs to be added it is added at the end of the 90 minutes.