It is 0.024
The third place to the right of the decimal is the thousandths place. We have nine hundred twenty thousandths= 920 thousandths, so we we write it .920
The number three hundred twenty-one thousandths in decimal notation is: 0.321
6.00021 The first decimal place is tenths, then hundredths, thousandths, ten-thousandths, hundred-thousandths, etc. 21 hundred-thousandths must end in the hundred-thousandths place.
It is 1.320
It is 0.024
Three hundred twenty-one thousandths in decimal notation = 0.321
One hundred twenty ten-thousandths in decimal form is 0.0120
The third place to the right of the decimal is the thousandths place. We have nine hundred twenty thousandths= 920 thousandths, so we we write it .920
The number three hundred twenty-one thousandths in decimal notation is: 0.321
Two hundred twenty-five thousandths would be written as 0.225 in decimal form.
Oh, isn't that just lovely! To write two and two hundred twenty-one thousandths in decimal form, you simply write it as 2.221. Just like painting a happy little tree, it's all about taking your time and enjoying the process.
Nine and three hundred twenty-one thousandths