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Q: What is one common wildcard that represents any collection of characters?
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What is globbing?

Globbing is the process of expanding a non-specific file name containing a wildcard character into a set of specific file names that exist in storage on a computer, server, or network. A wildcard is a symbol that can stand for one or more characters. The most common wildcard symbols are the question mark (?) for a single character and the asterisk (*) for a contiguous string of characters regards, Sarabhjeet Singh Khalsa

What is a group or a quantity?

A group is a collection of elements that share common characteristics or properties. A quantity is a numerical value or amount that represents the amount or value of something.

What characters are common in dystopian fiction?

Common characters in dystopian fiction include a protagonist who rebels against the oppressive society, a totalitarian leader or government that maintains control, a love interest or ally who supports the protagonist's journey, and an antagonist who represents the ruling regime. Other common characters may include a mentor figure, a group of rebels, and bystanders who either support or conform to the oppressive society.


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Is collection common noun or collective noun?

The noun 'collection' is a common noun that can be used as a collective noun.Example:common noun: We took up a collection for the hurricane victims fund.collective noun: A collection of leaves had blocked the gutter.

Is Cellection a common noun?

The words collection and selection are common nouns.

Do shared derived characters show common ancestry?

Yes, shared derived characters indicate a common ancestry among taxa. These characters are traits that are unique to a particular group and are inherited from a common ancestor. The presence of shared derived characters in multiple species suggests that they share a common evolutionary history.

A collection of similar cells in in the body?

Collection of similar cells working for a common function is called a tissue.

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