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A cubic centimeter has the volume of a cube with each side 1 cm long. Also known in liquids as a ml, a milli litre, = one thousandth of a litre.

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Q: What is one cubic centimeter?
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How many milliliters are one cubic centimeter?

One cubic centimeter equals one milliliter. == ==

One cubic centimeter is the same volume as one what?

One milliliter is one cubic centimeter.

How many milliliters are in a cubic centimeter?

One milliliter equals one cubic centimeter or one cc

Which small a cubic centimeter or microliter?

A cubic centimeter is larger than a microliter. One cubic centimeter is equal to one milliliter, which is equivalent to 1000 microliters.

How many mililiters are in a cubic centimeter?

There are 1 milliliter in a cubic centimeter. They are equivalent units of volume.

How many liters would fill a cubic centimeter of space?

One cubic centimeter (cm3 or cc) is equal to one milliliter (mL).To answer the question . . . 1 cubic centimeter = 0.001litre.

How many cubic centimeters are in one cubic centimeter?

One. To take it a step further in both directions; there are 1,000,000 cubic centimeters in 1 cubic meter, there are 1,000 cubic millimeters in 1 cubic centimeter and there are 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 ( or 1 x 1018) cubic nanometers in 1 cubic millimeter. As you can see cubic nanometers are very very very small. Space backward sentence

How many milliliters in in one centimeter cubed?

One milliliter is equal to one cubic centimeter (cm³). So, there are 1 milliliter in one cubic centimeter.

Does one cubic centimeter of lead have the same density as one cubic centimeter of iron?

No, lead and iron have different densities. Lead is denser than iron, so one cubic centimeter of lead will be heavier than one cubic centimeter of iron.

How many mililiters are there in 1 cubic centimeter?

One cubic centimeter = 1cm^2 1 to the power of 2 = 1cm. In one centimeter, there are 10 millimeters.

Is one cubic milliliter equal to one cubic centimeter?


How many ml in 1cm3?

A cubic centimeter measures the same as a milliliter.