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The answer is 25, not 30

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Q: What is one eight of two hundered?
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How do you write 12.38 in word form?

one hundered two hudred and three and eight hundreths

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What is the product of 2000 90?

1,800,000 One million, eight hundered thousand.

How do you say 604800in word form?

six-hundered-and-four-thousand eight-hundered inches

How do you write 164.38 in word form?

One hundered and sixty four point three, eight.

How write one lakh two hundered?

one lakh two hundred is written as 100200

How do you write 1.568970?

one and five tenths sixty eight thousandths ninety seven hundered thousandths

What is one fourth of two hundered?

1/4 X 200 = 50

How do you spell 252?

Two Hundered and fifty two

How do you write four hundered million fifteen thousand seven hundered one?
