one-fourth in percentage = 25%1/4 * 100% = 100%/4 = 25%
100 years is equal to one century.
because 1 fourth of 100% is 25%
1.25 can be written as a fraction by putting the decimal over 100, so it is equal to 5/4.
21/100 = 0,21
no it's 75 over 100
one-fourth in percentage = 25%1/4 * 100% = 100%/4 = 25%
There are over 100 words that can fit this:AramesBracesBrachsBractsBraidsBrailsBrainsBrakesBrandsBranksBrantsBravasBravesBravosBrawlsBrawnsBrazasBrazesCraalsCracksCraftsCrakesCrampsCranesCranksCrapesCrasesCrasisCratesCravesCrawlsCrazesDraffsDraftsDrailsDrainsDrakesDramasDrapesDrawlsErasesFracasFrailsFramesFrancsFranksFraudsGraalsGracesGradesGradusGraftsGrailsGrainsGramasGrampsGrandsGrantsGrapesGraphsGraspsGratesGratisGravesGrazesIradesKraalsKraftsKraitsKrautsOrangsOratesPraamsPrahusPrangsPranksPrasesPratesPrawnsPraxesPraxisTracesTracksTractsTradesTragusTraiksTrailsTrainsTraitsTrampsTranksTranqsTrapesTravesTrawlsUraeusUraresUrarisUrasesUratesWracksWrangsWraths
100 years is equal to one century.
because 1 fourth of 100% is 25%
1.25 can be written as a fraction by putting the decimal over 100, so it is equal to 5/4.
21/100 = 0,21
It is: 17/100
80/3.2 x 100 is equal to 2,500.