

Best Answer

A lot of calories.

And 90 deg slice.

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Q: What is one fourth of a pizza pie?
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What is one fourth of a pizza?


What on Earth is a pizza pie?


What is the duration of A Pizza Tweety Pie?

The duration of A Pizza Tweety Pie is 360.0 seconds.

How do you make pie flavoured pie?

Technically any pie you make will be pie-flavored. Just like all pizza is pizza-flavored, etc.

When was A Pizza Tweety Pie created?

A Pizza Tweety Pie was created on 1958-02-22.

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Do Americans eat more pizza or pie?

Pizza. Pie is more of a UK kind of food

What is the origin of the word pizza?

Italian. The word is derived from an ancient Greek word for bread.

What does one-fourth mean?

1/4th translates to "a quarter of a whole". Let's picture a pie. ( ), there is our pizza. Now lets cut our piece into 1/2 ( | ). Now how many parts of this pizza do you have? 2. Finally lets cut our pieces into another half. ( + ) Now we have 4 pieces. 1/4 of this pizza is a quarter of the whole entire pizza.

What is Americas favorite pie?

It is apple pie.

Is one fourth more than one twelfth?

yes, because one quarter of a pizza is more than one twelfth of a pizza.

Is pie better then pizza?

Yes, I think that pie is better than pizza because of all its flavors.