1/4 of 56 is 14.
two one fourth the two is bigger than the one fourth so it comes last and the one fourth comes first.
two and one-fourth as a decimal = 2.25
One thousand two hundred and fifty Twelve hundred and fifty Twelve fifty One two five zero.
Yes. One fourth is equivalent to two eighths.
1250 feet is shorter.
One fourth (1/4) of 1 million dollars is two hundred fifty thousand dollars. That is ...$1,000,000/4 = $250,000
1/4 of 56 is 14.
Fifty-Fourth Army - Japan - ended in 1945.
Fifty-Fourth Army - Japan - was created in 1945.
two one fourth the two is bigger than the one fourth so it comes last and the one fourth comes first.
two and one-fourth as a decimal = 2.25
One thousand two hundred and fifty Twelve hundred and fifty Twelve fifty One two five zero.
1,000,852 = one million eight hundred and fifty-two.
The answer is six and one fourth
Two fourth which is also called one half