3 and a half thousand
0.00301 is three hundred one hundred thousanths.
half of 627 is 313 1/2. Three hundred and thirteen and a half.
Half of one thousand five hundred fifteen is 532.5.
1% of 300 is three.
3 and a half thousand
The answer is twenty-five (25).
One hundred thousand, two hundred and three.
0.00301 is three hundred one hundred thousanths.
1.35 million 1,350,000 one million, three hundred and fifty thousand
half of 627 is 313 1/2. Three hundred and thirteen and a half.
In English: (3,152,308) Three Million, one hundred fifty-two thousand, three hundred (and) eight. In Hindu: (31,52,308) Thirty one lakes fifty two thousand three hundred and eight
Half of one thousand five hundred fifteen is 532.5.
One in Three Hundred was created in 1953.
In words 1,300,000 is one million, three hundred thousand
you write it: six hundred million forty three thousand three three hundred twenty one.