There is 1000ml in 1 litre
A number with one hundred zero
100cl (centilitres), yes, but more usually it'll be 1000ml in one litre.
One hundred billion.
A percentage.
No 1 liter = 1000 mililiters 1 mililiter = 0.001 liter
There is 1000ml in 1 litre
Yes, there are 1000 milliliters in a liter.
A number with one hundred zero
100cl (centilitres), yes, but more usually it'll be 1000ml in one litre.
One hundred billion.
A percentage.
A centiliter is 10 times smaller than a deciliter.
One-hundred years is what we call a century.
A one-hundred-year-old person can be called a Centenarian.
A ceptagon