One billion or 1.0*1012 in standard form
Many countries use the 'short scale', in which one million x one million would be one trillion, as, there, one billion would be one thousand times one million. Those countries which use the 'long scale' might use the terms 'milliard', 'billiard', 'trilliard', etc for alternating values as they increase by a factor of 1000.
1,000,000 x 1,000,000= 1,000,000,000,000(one million)(one million)(one trillion)(one million times one million is one trillion)
300 trillion.
One million is the numeral 1,000,000 or one thousand thousand (1 x 106).
6,944.44 x 144 = one million
1.5 million dollars.
1 million x 1 thousand = 1 billion
1,000,000 x 1,000,000= 1,000,000,000,000(one million)(one million)(one trillion)(one million times one million is one trillion)
300 trillion.
One million is 1000000 30.3 million is 30.3 x 1000000 = 303 x 100000 = 30,300,000
One million is the numeral 1,000,000 or one thousand thousand (1 x 106).
40000000 x 1000000 = 40000000000000
1000000 is the same as ONE million. The number one million will have 6 zeros.
When you see the word "million" think of it as "times one million" (or mathematically as "x 1000000"): ⇒ 0.05 million = 0.05 x 1000000 = 50000
One million in expanded form = (1 x 1000000) + (0 x 100000) + (0 x 10000) + (0 x 1000) + (0 x 100) + (0 x 10) + (0 x 1)
1,000,000 x 300,000,000 = 300,000,000,000,000
6,944.44 x 144 = one million