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Q: What is one more than the difference between 18 and 7 times a number is -9?
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The difference is a subtraction sum between two or more numbers. A single number cannot have a difference.

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The energy released by an earthquake increases logarithmically with magnitude. On the Richter scale, each whole number increase corresponds to around 31 times more energy released. Therefore, the energy difference between a 6 and an 8 earthquake is approximately 900 times.

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Its because you are finding the "difference" between the two numbers.

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Twice the difference between a number and thirteen can be written as 2 (b - 13) Five more than twice the difference between a number and thirteen can be written as 2 (b - 13) + 5. The algebraic expression is 2 (b - 13) + 5.

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-4 is a negative number and is less then zero, 4 is a positive number and is more then zero.

One more than the difference between 18 and seven times a number is -9?


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# 6 will carry about 40 amps more than a number 12

What does each number in a definition represent?

Sometimes definitions have more than one meaning. E.g. con-trast 1. The difference between two or more things. 2. To perceive a difference between two or more things.

What is the difference between 5.9 and 6.0 earthquake?

The main difference is the magnitude of the earthquake - a 6.0 earthquake is stronger and can cause more damage than a 5.9 earthquake. Each whole number increase in magnitude represents approximately 32 times more energy release.