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Q: What is one of the goals of the equal distribution of wealth?
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What are the criticisms levelled against pareto optimality theorem?

It ignores distributional issues, so that, for example, according to Pareto optimality, two economies which are being compared with one-another are equally "optimal" or "efficient," if both are equal in per-capita wealth, and if one economy has an equal distribution of wealth, whereas the other has one person, say the king or dictator, who has almost all the wealth, and everyone else, say his slaves, has little or none.

What is the perfect standard normal distribution?

The standard normal distribution is a subset of a normal distribution. It has the properties of mean equal to zero and a standard deviation equal to one. There is only one standard normal distribution and no others so it could be considered the "perfect" one.

Who is responsible for wealth distribution?

Specifically, if you mean wealth distribution in a certain region or country - the government of that country is the one responsible for managing and distributing the wealth of the country to its people to job creations, housing and other infrastructure and road development, education development programs, and a lot more.

Why are financial markets essential for a healthy economy?

A healthy economy is one where the distribution of wealth is relatively equal and there is high volume of trade and commerce. Financial markets transfer funds from buyer to seller. This encourages equal growth of economy. The more cycle of money flows the better.

Is A percentile divides a distribution into one hundred equal parts.?


Who was not allowed to boost of his wealth and status in Islam?

No one should boast of his wealth and staus. All human beings are equal in Islam.

Area to the left of the mean in a normal distribution is equal to?

One standard deviation

What is difference between skew binomial and symmetric binomial distribution?

In a symmetric binomial distribution, the probabilities of success and failure are equal, resulting in a symmetric shape of the distribution. In a skewed binomial distribution, the probabilities of success and failure are not equal, leading to an asymmetric shape where the distribution is stretched towards one side.

What is the standard of living in Germany?

The standard of living in Germany today is considered to be one of the highest. Wealth distribution is almost balanced and favorable to the residents.

What is one productive resource that all people own regardless of their wealth?

One productive resource that all people own regardless of their wealth is time. Everyone has been given time in equal measure.

Who is rich in wealth?

well, Should be someone who know what his doing, what his goals and objectives, some one who determine to get what he want, consistently do his best to reach it.

One of the values of a variable which divides the distribution of the variable into four groups having equal frequencies?
