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Q: What is one of the main horizontal supporting pieces of a building?
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What does 2deep rule mean?

The "2-deep" rule means that a building should have only the main distribution and the intermediate distribution that feeds the horizontal distribution to the work area.

Is the louvre a square based pyramid?

No. The Louvre is a normal, rectangular building. The Pyramide du Louvre, which is outside the main Louvre building is a square based pyramid.

How can you find the coordinates of a point on the coordinates plane?

Points on a coordinate graph are always written (x,y). The X value is equivalent to the location of the point along the horizontal X-axis. This number comes first. If the point is to the right of the main vertical line, its positive; if its to the left, its negative. The Y value equals the location of the point on the Y-axis. If the point is above the main horizontal line, its positive; below this line is negative.

What are the main uses for the Aprilaire 700 Humidifier?

The main uses for the Aprilaire 700 Humidifier are to humidify the air in a room that it is placed in. It converts water into steam in order to help humidify the building.

If you are in a business and the meter you paying for is also the owner meter how do you get your own meter?

Could be tricky. The business owner WILL need to give their written consent (since it's their building). However - you could contact the energy supplier and ask them for a separate meter. Assuming you rent a room(s) within the main building, the power company should be able to run a spur off the main supply cable for the building to provide your workspace with a separate meter.

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supporting details

What are pieces of information that support the main idea?

Evidence, data, examples, and research findings are pieces of information that can support the main idea of a topic or argument. These sources can help reinforce the main point being made and provide credibility to the argument being presented.

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Supporting details are specific pieces of information that provide evidence or explanation to support the main idea or thesis of a text. To determine a supporting detail, look for facts, examples, statistics, or quotes that are relevant to the main topic and help to further clarify or prove the main point being made. Supporting details should directly connect to and strengthen the overall argument or message of the passage.

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Minor supporting details help to reinforce and expand upon the main ideas or arguments in a piece of writing. They provide specific examples, evidence, or explanations that add depth and credibility to the overall message. Minor supporting details help make the main points more convincing and compelling to the reader.

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What is the meaningwhat is supporting details?

The meaning of a text is the main message or idea that the author is trying to convey. Supporting details are specific pieces of information, examples, or evidence that the author provides to help explain or elaborate on the main idea. These details help to strengthen the main message and make it more convincing or clear to the reader.

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What are supporting details in a essay?

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What does supporting detail means?

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