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Q: What is one positive and negative effect of mutation?
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What does positive and negative effects mean?

A positive effect is one that is favorable; a negative effect is one that is unfavorable.

What are some effects positive and negative effects on automation?

One positive effect of automation is that products, like cars, can be produced faster with automation. One negative effect of automation is that the human worker is no longer necessary.

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He has caused both. One major negative effect was the "Panic of 1837" the positive effect was that he helped set up the political machine.

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New farmland: positive - increases employment and income of taxes negative - encroaches on the habitat of wildlife and fauna

Rules for adding integers?

When you add: a negative and a negative: you get a negative a positive and a positive: you get a positive a positive and a negative or a negative and a positive: Subtract the addend with the smaller value from the greater one. If the greater one is positive, your answer will be positive. If the greater addend is negative, your answer will be negative.

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positive, it feeds coyotes, wolves and other mid sized predators. negative, destroys vegetation, some that is potentially beneficial.

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Positively and negatively charged objects attract one another.

Can cell phones have a positive effect on the environment Please try think of one or two?

FIRST THING THERE IS NO NEGATIVE effect on the environment. AND

How do you add positive and negative fractions?

-- Remember which one was positive and which was negative, then forget about the signs.-- Write down the one that was positive-- Subtract from it the one that was negative(Notice that if the negative one was bigger, then the answer will be negative.)

What is potential impact mutation?

No one knows what effect a mutation may have. Most are not viable.

What is the positive and negative advantages?

Positive one are helpful, negative one are unhelpful

When you mutiply a positive number by a negative one what is the sign of the answer?

The answer will ALWAYS be negative positive x negative=negative and vice versa positive x positive= positive