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they are both quadrilaterals and perpendicular.

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Q: What is one property that squares and rhombuses share?
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What quadrilateral with two one pair of parallel sides is a?

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral, which has 2 pair of parallel sides. Squares, rhombuses and rectangles are special cases of parallelograms.

What is one difference between rhombuses and trapezoids?

Rhombuses always have 4 equal sides, trapezoids do not.

What is a subset of a set of rhombuses?

Rhombuses whose acute angles are 3 degrees would be one subset.

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Their share becomes a part of their estate.

When you subtract one square number form another the answer is 9?

I'm not sure exactly what your question is, but the squares of 4 and 5 do have this property (and are the only perfect squares that do).

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Yes you can unless its some one's property

Are some trapezoids rhombuses?

Yes. To be a trapezoid, a quadrilateral must have one pair of sides that are parallel. Since rhombuses are parallelograms, they are all also trapezoids, so a subset of trapezoids are rhombuses.

How many rhombuses are in one trapezoid?


is a parallelogram with 4 eaqual sides?

The correct answer is a rhombus. A square has equal sides and equal angles, but a parallelogram does not intrinsically need to have equal angles. All squares are rhombuses, but not all rhombuses are squares.

How many blue rhombuses does it take to make a yellow hexagon?

3 blue rhombuses cover one yellow hexagon.

How many rhombuses would fit into 20 hexagons?

3 rhombuses will fit into one it would be 20x3

How many rhombuses fit in one hexagon?