71 is spelled as seventy-one.78 is spelled as seventy-eight.29 is spelled as twenty-nine.seventy-one, seventy-eight and twenty-nine
The number 178 is "one hundred (and) seventy-eight."
Sixth Quorum of the Seventy was created in 2004.
One seventy-second (1/72).
In weight: one hundred and seventy-eight imperial pounds (lb).In British currency: one hundred and seventy-eight pounds Sterling (£).
srry dont know
1/6 x 72 = 12
One thousand, eight hundred seventy-five millionths.
"Seventy-eight hundreds" = 7,800.0 "Seventy-eight hundredths" = 0.78
As a number: one-thousand one-hundred and seventy-eightAs a year: eleven seventy-eight
1871.72 = one thousand, eight hundred seventy-one and seventy-two hundredths.