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Q: What is one the main lines on the global grid?
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What are lines that cross one another forming a pattern called a grid system?

parallel lines

What are lines that cross one another forming a pattern called a grid system called?

parallel lines

What is a network of imaginary lines?

A grid. One system is called longitude and latitude

What is one of many lines on the global grid that circle the earth north or south of the equator used to measure degrees of latitude?

Degrees of latitude run east and west around the globe. They are also called parallels of latitude.

What is a network of imaginary lines called?

A network of imaginary lines is called a grid or a system of coordinates. It is commonly used in mapping, navigation, and plotting locations on a map or graph.

South latitude lines on a globe?

South latitude lines are imaginary lines on a globe that represent the locations south of the Equator. They are measured in degrees ranging from 0° at the Equator to 90°S at the South Pole. These lines help determine the location of places in the southern hemisphere.

What is the purpose of an Amsler grid?

With a Amsler grid one can determine if one has distortion in ones visual field. Distortion means that objects alter shape. A Amsler grid is a square which is devided into many smaller squares and a dot in the middle. From the dot there are lines going out to the corners of the big square.

What is the difference between a transmission grid and an electricity grid?

The terms transmission grid and electrical grid are somewhat interchangeable. The electrical grid, or power grid, is the network used to get electric power from where it is generated to all the places that use it. The one difference might be that a transmission line or grid might be thought of as the network of high voltage long distance lines. These are used to move large amounts of power with minimal loss through the use of extremely high voltages. These long distance lines connect generation facilities with substations, and it is at the substation that the voltages are stepped down, and that power is then put on the electrical grid.

What does a grid on a map look like?

a grid on a map is like a chart where one side should be numbers and the other side should be letters. like for the question what is located at g4? go to g and over four, and go to four and down four.

What are some causes of a power outage?

There are many reasons why one's power may go out. The main cause of these outages, are mostly seen during heavy rain storms when the electrical lines get overworked. However it can also go out when the lines are knocked down, or when one's power company may be doing maintenance on that section of the power grid.

How can you connect 25 dots with 8 lines?

It depends on where the dots are located. If they are all collinear only one straight line is required. For a 5x5 grid, only 5 lines are required.

Why have a national grid?

So that users of electricity don't have to rely on only one local power generatiing station. A National Grid is a network of electricity supply lines from various generating stations There is usually more than one supply line to most points (or grid nodes), from more than one generating station. So, by building a National Grid, users can continue to receive power from the other power stations in the network whenever a power station or a distribution sub-station has to be taken out of service for maintenance work or when some power lines are destroyed by bad weather.