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Q: What is one third of an acre called?
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What percentage of an acre is 14520 square feet?

One third of an acre or 33.33%

How many square feet in one third acre?

Answer: .3333 acre = 14,518.548 ft²

How many square feet are in one third of an acre?

.333333 acre = 14,374.8 square feet.

How many square feet is in one third of an acre?

14,520 square feet in 1/3 of an acre.

How big is half acre?

One acre is roughly the size of a modern football field. So, half an acre is about half the size or one third of a football field.

What was the site of the siege of the Third Crusade?

Acre Acre Acre

How much square foot is one third of an acre?


How many square feet are in one third acre?

14,520 sq ft = 1 acre 4840 sq ft = 1/3 acre

How much suare feet in one third of an acre?

1 acre = 43,560 square feet 1/3 acre = 14,520 square feet

How many square feet is one third of an acre?

1/3 acre is 14,520 square feet.

How many feet are in one third acre?

13068 sq ft

How many acres is 13865 square feet?

13,865 square feet is almost one third of an acre (or exactly 0.318297 of an acre.)