I would write it as three hundred ninety four point two seven. Or three hundred ninety-four and twenty-seven hundredths. The US currency value $394.27 is three hundred ninety-four dollars and twenty-seven cents.
Two hundred and sixty-eight point nine zero or two hundred and sixty eight dollars ninety cents, for example.
nine hundred and ninety eight dollars and 40 cents
The currency value $293.75 is "two hundred ninety-three dollars and seventy-five cents."
four thousand, five hundred and ninety-eight dollars and twenty-six cents
The number 427.90 is "four hundred twenty-seven and ninety hundredths." In US currency, the value $427.90 is "four hundred twenty-seven dollars and ninety cents."
I would write it as three hundred ninety four point two seven. Or three hundred ninety-four and twenty-seven hundredths. The US currency value $394.27 is three hundred ninety-four dollars and twenty-seven cents.
The number is twenty-eight thousand four hundred ninety-nine and ninety-four hundredths. It would ordinarily be spoken as "twenty-eight thousand four hundred ninety-nine point nine four." The currency value $28,499.94 is "twenty-eight thousand four hundred ninety-nine dollars and ninety-four cents."
three hundred and ninety-three dollars and twenty-four cents in USA currency for example
(Assuming you mean currency) Two hundred and twenty-three dollars and thirty-six cents.
The value is "two hundred ninety-nine" (and no hundredths). The US currency value $299.00 is "two hundred ninety-nine dollars" (and no cents).
One hundred and ninety dollars and zero cents
$2,500.00 Two thousand, five hundred dollars and no cents
Two hundred and sixty-eight point nine zero or two hundred and sixty eight dollars ninety cents, for example.
Four hundred ninety seven dollars and sixty-five cents.
nine hundred and ninety eight dollars and 40 cents