One thousand fourteen in roman numeral is MXIV.
1 400 000 (fourteen hundred thousand is equal to one million four hundred thousand)
One thousand fourteen
One third of twelve thousand is four thousand.
One hundred fourteen thousand.
1400 Fourteen hundred 1400,000 Fourteen hundred thousand. Ir more clearly written as 1,400,000 , which is ' One Million four hundred thousand'. Note the use of commas at every third digit.
one thousand and fourteen
One thousand fourteen in roman numeral is MXIV.
The number 1014 is spelled one thousand and fourteen, or one thousand fourteen (without the and).
One million is written as 1,000,000 and fourteen thousand is written as 14,000. So, when you combine them, you write one million and fourteen thousand in digits as 1,014,000.
1 400 000 (fourteen hundred thousand is equal to one million four hundred thousand)
One thousand fourteen
One third of twelve thousand is four thousand.
To write 1400.00 on a bank check, you would start by writing "One thousand four hundred" on the line that ends with "dollars." Next, you would write "and 00/100" after the word "dollars" to indicate there are zero cents. Finally, you would sign your name on the bottom right line of the check to authorize the payment.
forty one thousand four hundred fourteen