

What is one third of thirteen?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: What is one third of thirteen?
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No one can say for sure and any population figures from the time are estimates, or best guesses. John Adams gave his opinion that roughly one-third of the population was Loyalist, one-third were Patriots, and one-third did not care either way and wished both sides would leave them alone. The total population of the thirteen colonies is guesstimated at three million at the time of the Revolution.

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New Jersey was one of the original thirteen colonies and states. It was the third to ratify the U.S. Constitution.

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Maine was not one of the original thirteen colonies.

What is 'thirteen' in Latin?

One Latin equivalent of the English number 'thirteen' is tredecim, which means 'three [and] ten'. Another is decem et tres, which means 'ten and three'. The Latin word for 'thirteenth' is 'tertius decimus', which means 'third [and] tenth'.

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The book "Thirteen Plus One" came out in 2010.

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13.201 in word form is thirteen point two zero one or thirteen and two hundred one thousandths