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A cross-breed.

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Q: What is one type animal that is half one animal and half another?
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Type of feeding relationship in which one animal captures and eats another animal for food?

Predation is the type of feeding relationship in which one animal captures and consumes another animal for food. This interaction plays a crucial role in regulating population levels and maintaining ecosystem balance.

What type of animal eats squid?

humans, for one. ---- Certain types of whale, for another.

Can pregnant jack russell terriers have fish?

No they cannot, one type of animal cannot give birth to another animal. It is impossible.

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6 of one, half a dozen of anotherSix of one and half a dozen of another.

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How do you make a animal?

Well, you cant really"make" an animal, but if you if you put a male and a female animal of the same type in one room together and wait 24 hours, the next thing you know you have another animal! YAY!

When one animal eats another animal they both become part of what?

predation is when one animal eats another.

Which animal can change from one state to another?

the animal is carmelion

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Converting information from one type to another. Converting information from one type to another.

What is one and a half plus another one and a half?

It is the same as: 1.5+1.5 = 3

Has bigfoot been sighted with another animal by its side?

No. No one has seen big foot with another animal besides the one its "eating"

What does predators mean?

An organism that lives by preying on other organisms.One that victimizes, plunders, or destroys, especially for one's own gain.a animal that eats preyA type of enemy to the prey, which is the aim.An enemy jkhla predator is a person or animal who is an enemy of something