The answer depends on whether you mean the additive opposite (+16) or the multiplicative opposite (-1/16).
What is n? North? Which will mean 10 North by 16 minutes and 50 seconds East. Or is it the longitudinal opposite you require? If you need the opposite of latitude then answer is South 1 degrees 16' 50" East.
16 would be correct for Apex. The options are 8, 2, 32, and 16.
The answer depends on whether you mean the additive opposite (+16) or the multiplicative opposite (-1/16).
the number 8 is 16 more than its opposite
What is n? North? Which will mean 10 North by 16 minutes and 50 seconds East. Or is it the longitudinal opposite you require? If you need the opposite of latitude then answer is South 1 degrees 16' 50" East.
negative 16
16 would be correct for Apex. The options are 8, 2, 32, and 16.
Antonym means "the opposite", like fast/slow, light/heavy etc. There is no opposite to 16.
Negative 16 would represent 16 kilometres in the opposite direction.
The explanation is that that statement is incorrect.The truth is the exact opposite: 1 gallon is comprised of 16 cups.
The square root of 16 is 4 which is a whole number.