what is the front entrance address number to the Pentagon.
The opposite (antonym) of opposite is same.
opposite of opposite to opposite from
classes from 8th to 11th grade Maths comes in BBA entrance examination.
Opposites of entrance are exit, departure, egress, bore.
The opposite of the word entrance would be the word exit.
This is not an exact analogy, although entrance can be considered the opposite of exit. The "opposite" of minute (small) would be large, big, or huge.
Yes, directly opposite the entrance.
Yes there is, opposite the entrance to the ferry terminal!
Antonym means a word that is the OPPOSITE of another word. So is the opposite of entrance is exit.
There is no direct opposite of a funnel. The closest object that does the reverse is a spreader or seed distributor that has an exit wider than its entrance.
mark and spencers is ituated in the main high street called dudley street there is also a entrace on the street parallel to it called market street. the main entrance is opposite one of the mander centre entrance mark and spencers is ituated in the main high street called dudley street there is also a entrace on the street parallel to it called market street. the main entrance is opposite one of the mander centre entrance mark and spencers is ituated in the main high street called dudley street there is also a entrace on the street parallel to it called market street. the main entrance is opposite one of the mander centre entrance mark and spencers is ituated in the main high street called dudley street there is also a entrace on the street parallel to it called market street. the main entrance is opposite one of the mander centre entrance