An opus is usually a work of art, although the term is usually used for musical pieces. If a musician - composer - creates a number of musical pieces but does not give them distinctive names, then they may be numbered and that is the opus number for that piece.
2- E major (Opus 38) and F Major (Opus 99).
The term Magnum opus is from the Latin meaning "great work", refers to the largest, and perhaps the best, greatest, most popular, or most renowned achievement of an artist.
They are whole numbers,counting numbers,integers,rational numbers,real Numbers,composite numbers,square numbers,positive numbers,2-digit numbers.
WoO stands for "Werke ohne Opuszahl," which is German for "works without opus numbers." It's a classification system for Beethoven's pieces that didn't include opus numbers when published.
Counting those with and without opus numbers (including unfinished and unrealized works with opus numbers) and various arrangements, revisions, and transcriptions by the composer himself, Sergey Prokofiev wrote 179 different compositions. Judging by opus numbers alone, he wrote 138.
question is, Keat's opus.... answer is Keat's opus is a POEM
Opus (Latin 'work') numbers are assigned to the compositions of many composers as they are published and/or composed. They may provide a fairly reliable indication of when a work was written, but there is a lot of variation in how they have actually been used. Many composers' works have no opus numbers, or randomly-allocated numbers. Often their compositions have been analysed and catalogued by other people in chronological, or some other logical, order, and those catalogues may take the name of the cataloguer. Hence, for example, Mozart's compositions have Köchel numbers, Haydn's have Hoboken (or Hob) numbers, and Schubert's have Deutsch numbers.
WoO stands for "Werke ohne Opuszahl," which is German for "works without opus numbers." It's a system of organizing any pieces by Beethoven which were not published with an opus number.
there's a few informations.. opus 1 - studies. and he used opus number, 1 to 5. I don't know about opus 2~5..
A fugue is a musical form. An opus is a musical composition. Therefore a fugue is not an opus, nor is an opus a fugue. A composer may compose a fugue and give it an opus number. In that case, a specific fugue is identified by a specific opus number in its composer's catalogue: 'Fugue in G minor for organ, opus 99, by Franz Schnitzelgruber.'
Opus II
Opus Atlantica was created in 2001.
Opus Majus was created in 1267.
Bags' Opus was created in 1959.