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p4 - 7p2 + p + 1 = p4 - 3p3 + 3p3 - 9p2 + 2p2 - 6p + 7p - 21 + 22

= p3(p -3) + 392(p - 3) + 2p(p - 3) + 7(p - 3) + 22

= (p-3)(p3 + 39p2 + 2p + 7) + 22

So (p4 - 7p2 + p + 1) / (p-3) = (p3 + 39p2 + 2p + 7) + 22/(p - 3)

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Q: What is p4 - 7p2 plus p plus 1 divided by p-3?
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