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In Cobol, they had a serious concern for memory size. So they came up with a method known as BCD (Binary Coded Decimal), where a decimal value was converted to binary to save space.

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Q: What is packed decimal in cobol?
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What is the relationship between the IRA character code and the packed decimal representation?

As IRA used 8 bits per character . IRA characters are compatible with packed decimal .

Is COBOL an application program?

No, COBOL is a programming language.

What has the author Andreas S Philippakis written?

Andreas S. Philippakis has written: 'The new COBOL' -- subject(s): COBOL (Computer program language) 'Comprehensive COBOL' -- subject(s): COBOL (Computer program language) 'Information systems through COBOL' -- subject(s): COBOL (Computer program language), Management information systems 'COBOL for business applications' -- subject(s): COBOL (Computer program language)

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Who is known as the mother of Cobol?

Grace Hopper is known as the Mother of Cobol.

What is the difference between cobol-74 and cobol-85?

COBOL-85 is a later version of COBOL language. COBOL-85 also known as VS COBOL-II provides more features than COBOL-74. Some of the features of COBOL-85 are: 1. In COBOL-85 we can use following delimiters such as END-IF, END-PERFORM,END-STRING,etc. 2. We can use EVALUATE verb in place of complex IF structures. 3. CALL statement can pass variables by CONTENT and BY reference. In COBOL-74 we can only use pass by reference. 4. A new verb CONTINUE is introduced in order to over come the limitations of NEXT SENTENCE verb. 5. COBOL - 85 supports 32 bit addressing mode. UR'S Rj

What has the author Paul Noll written?

Paul Noll has written: 'The COBOL programmers handbook' -- subject(s): COBOL (Computer program language) 'Structured COBOL methods' -- subject(s): COBOL (Computer program language), Structured programming

Where can a person find information about COBOL?

COBOL was originally designed by Grace Hopper and is on of the oldest programming languages. The name stands for Common Business Orientated Language. More information can be found at websites such as Wikipedia.

What is packed decimal?

Packed decimal is a method used in computing to store more in less space. A bit of theory here. Characters are stored in binary in their ASCII representation, such that the number 1 = ascii 49 (decimal). Packed decimal means you can store two numbers (numbers only) in the same space, so that ascii 49 = numbers 4 and 9. There is overhead so it is always a trade off between space and computing. And storage is cheap these days

What is COBOL is it a device or a operating system?

COBOL (common business-oriented language) is an operating system.

What is the Meaning of COBOL?

COBOL stands for Common Business-Oriented Language. It is a programming language primarily used in business, finance, and administrative systems for writing applications. COBOL is known for its readability and usage in large-scale legacy systems.

If you are working in a software company and are in cobol with unix and oracle project what would your career growth be if you got trained in mf cobol?

The most important thing here is to know that unix and cobol is a good platform to work in that to with Oracle as the database. The mf cobol is almost a standard cobol that is followed these days, and many banks want to migrate to this version of cobol(as it is perfectly suited to Unix systems) the another version which is quite popular is IBM cobol this one is more popular with the mainframes community since Ibm is the leader here and it was good move to have there own cobol. so if you are assotiated with unix and not with mainframes then mf cobol is suited with u and most of the middle east and European banks are on unix . but if u want to switch to mainframes then go for IBM cobol. A bit of C language knowledge would certainly be a positive point in your resume.