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As far as we know, two lines can be perpendicular,

or they can be parallel, but they can't be both.

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Q: What is parallel perpendicular lines look like?
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How do you calculate parallel and perpendicular lines in a given plane?

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Perpendicular lines look like two straight lines that meet or intersect at a 90-degree angle. The capital letter T is an example of what they might look like.

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Like this: _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________

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What must be true? In your example, we have 4 intersecting lines. g and b are parallel, and f and h are parallel. g and b are perpendicular to f and h. It might look like tic-tac toe for example

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kinda like this.... / \ / \ the lines on the top and bottom are parallel kinda like this.... / \ / \ the lines on the top and bottom are parallel

What does perpendicular look like?

Perpendicular is when two lines cross and form a right angle, which I hope you know what that is.

How does parallel lines look like?

Just like this: ___________________ ____________________ parallel means they never intersect (touch)

Perpendicular lines look like?

They are straight lines that intersect each other at 90 degrees