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departure=d.long x

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Q: What is parallel sailing and the formula of it?
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What is parrell sailing?

Do you mean "Para-sailing" or "Parallel sailing"?

What is plane sailing and the formula of it?

Plane sailing is a navigational method used over small ranges of latitude and longitude, based on the assumption that the meridian through the point of departure, the parallel through the destination, and the course line form a right triangle in a plane. The formula is tan C= p/l.

What is A sailing boat with 3 hulls?

A trimaran is a sailing yacht with three parallel hulls.

What is the formula parallel to rydberg's formula?

The formula parallel to Rydberg's formula used in Bohr's theory of the emission spectrum of the hydrogen atom is the Balmer Series. See related link for more information.

What is the formula of a plane sailing?

departure=d'long x cos(lat)

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What is formula for the largest number of parallel lines?

As it stands, the question can have no answer because there can be infinitely many parallel lines.

What is the formula in finding middle latitude sailing?

Middle latitude sailing is a navigation method that involves using a series of spherical triangles to determine the course to be followed on a Mercator chart. The formula used in finding middle latitude sailing involves solving these spherical triangles by applying spherical trigonometry principles. It's typically done using a navigational calculator or computer program to determine the course and distance to a destination.

What is the formula for finding trapezoid?

Area of a trapezoid = 0.5*(sum of parallel sides)*height

Area formula of a trapezoid?

Area = 0.5*(sum of parallel sides)*height

What is the formula for area of trapazoid?

Area = 0.5*(sum of parallel sides)*height

What is the formula for finding the area of tratrapezoid?

Area of a trapezoid = 1/2 of (length of one of the parallel sides + length of the other parallel side) times (distance between the two parallel sides)