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a ray

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Q: What is part of a line beginning at an endpoint and extending infinitely in one direction?
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Is a part of a line the beginning at an endpoint and extending infinitely in one direction?

a ray

What is a part of a line beginning at the endpoint and extending infinitely in one direction?

A ray.

What is part of a line beginning at an endpoint infinitely in 1 direction?


Has on endpoint and continues infinitely in one direction?

A ray has one endpoint and continues in the other direction infinitely.

What is an infinite portion of a line which has one endpoint?

A line with a single endpoint going infinitely in another direction is a ray. The symbol for a ray is → . It is named for its endpoint and any other point located on it.

A ray is infinite in one direction.?


What is part of a line beinning at an endpoint and extending infinetly in one direction?

A ray. Like a sunray, it starts at one spot and goes on forever.

Formed by 2 rays with the same endpoint?

Angle An angle is formed by 2 rays extending from the same endpoint.

What is a ray in geometri?

A ray in geometry is a line with a single endpoint and extends indefinitely in one specified direction.

A ray has no beginning or end true or false?

False. A ray is a part of a line that has a fixed starting point (called the endpoint) but extends infinitely in one direction.

What is difference between a line and a ray?

A line extends infinitely in both directions, while a ray has a starting point and extends infinitely in one direction. A line has no endpoints, while a ray has one endpoint.

What does an a ray look like?

A ray is a straight line that starts at a point and extends infinitely in one direction. It has a defined endpoint but continues on forever in the direction it points. A ray can be represented with an arrow pointing in the direction of its extension.