The percentage of any number is the numerator when its value is expressed as a fraction with the denominator = 100.
i want to calculate the percentage of mean value of particular data.
If you mean 0.45 then as a percentage it is 45%
If you mean 32/50 then as a percentage it is 64%
If you mean 4/25 then as a percentage it is 16%
If you mean 51/100 then as a percentage it is 51%
eg 5 10 15, the mean would be 10 and if we want the mean percentage its the percentage of the total so 10/20x100/1, which is 50%
i want to calculate the percentage of mean value of particular data.
If you mean 0.45 then as a percentage it is 45%
a percentage
percentage of males and percentage of females
If you mean 32/50 then as a percentage it is 64%
If you mean 4/25 then as a percentage it is 16%
3.000 as a percentage = 300.0% while if you mean 3,000; 3,000 as a percentage = 300,000%
If you mean what percentage of you blood does your heart pump... all of it.
as a percentage it mean out of 100 it include only 5
If you mean 50/100 then as a percentage it is 50%
If you mean 51/100 then as a percentage it is 51%