Your period. It sounds like you are having one of those early or late, or caught in between cycles. Are you emotionally distressed? It should be happening around every 28 days.
11 + 2 = 13
11/2 + 11/2
(11/2) * (2/1) = 11 which also equals 22/2
It has a molecular mass.It is about 17
The average gestation for an alpaca is 335 - 345 days. Spring births tend to be 345 days and fall births tend to be 335 days.343 days(11 months).The gestation period is 11-1/2 months (~350 days)
From TheBigZoo: "After a gestation period of about 11 weeks, Meerkats give birth to a litter of 2-4 cubs."
11 months give or take 2 weeks either way.
On average, 2-year-olds typically sleep about 11-14 hours in a 24-hour period.
It is possible, yes. You stop growing generally 2-4 years after you have your first period. ~GFiZZLE
Girls can possibly start there period when there 11 or 12. That's a phrase of puberty or a process of " dirty " blood to process out of you body. I'm 11 and I started my period Happens 1 or 2 times a month To me 2 time happens
Short answer: boron. Long answer: any element with 11 protons or less could theoretically have an atomic mass of 11, as the mass = Number of Protons + Neutrons, if you add/take a certain number of neutrons from the atom it will be able to have an atomic mass of 11, but some aren't possible and others are too unstable, and will decay instantly.
It was dark brown and 2 spots . i have been getting lots of crampsafter the discharge .
You should get you period within six weeks. But i depends on how far along you were I had a early delievery at 21 weeks on 11/11/07 and still have not had a period.