A period of ten years is a decade.
Well, darling, a period of one year is called a "year." It's not rocket science, sweetie. Just like how a period of one month is called a "month." Keep it simple, honey.
A period of 100 years is called a century.
silver jubley
There are 3652 or 3653 days in ten years depending on the number of leap years in the ten year period. Similarly there are 5,258,880 minutes or 5,260,320 minutes.
A ten year period is a decade.
Can also be called a Decade.
A period of ten years is called a decade. Sometimes a decade is used more specifically, to refer to a ten-year period that starts with a year that ends in zero. For example, "the sixties" or "the 1960s" refers to the years 1960-1969.
A period of ten years is a decade.
the ten year period was in 1920
Ten years, Decennium, Ten-year period, Ten-year span, these are synonyms of decade.
A period lasting ten years, or any ten year period.
It's called a decade.
That depends on whether the ten year-old has started their period yet or not. You cannot be pregnant when you are ten without your period.