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Pi is not a variable. Pi is an irrational real positive number. The value of pi is approximately 3.14159

irrational means there is no way to write the exact value of pi. It can not be written with a finite number of decimal points. It can not be written as a fraction. it can not be written as the nth root of any number.

real means it is not generated by taking the square root of a negative number and it is not generated by dividing anything by 0 .

positive means it is greater then 0.

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Q: What is pi called i.e what type of variable?
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Assign the value of pie ie 3.142 to a variable with requisite data type?

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If the perimeter is 20 what is the highest area you can get?

A circle, radius 10/pi has an area of pi x 10/pi x 10/pi ie 100pi/pi2 ie 100/pi ie 31.8; A square 5 to the side has an area of 25.

Is the symbol pi considered a variable in math?

No. It is a constant. A variable is something that changes value in certain circumstances; pi always has the same value.

A constant that multiplies a variable?

A constant that multiplies a variable is no longer a constant. By its very definition, a constant is something that can never be different. The result of variable multiplication is thus a variable, not a constant.I would say that the above answer is not necessarily true. The common equation for the area of a circle is: area = pi * r2The fact that you are multiplying the mathematical constant pi by a variable does not change the value of pi.Agree with the second answer. Jsut to add, a constant that multplies a variable is called a coefficient.

What are numeric constants in basic?

It is a variable that can not be changed such as PI.

Is pi a coefficient?

Yes--in that it is a constant that typically precedes a variable.

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It is a variable that can not be changed such as PI.

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2 x pi x 12 in, ie 24 pi inches

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42/pi ie 13 feet 4½ inches, assuming pi to be 3.14

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22 x 22 x pi, ie 484 pi sqft.

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20.5 pi ie 64.4 in

What is the circumference of a circle if the diameter is 10 inches?

31.4 inches, ie 10 pi