Pi Gamma Phi is a fraternity-sorority that was founded on September 27,1975 by four rounding founders.
Some popular sororities across most campuses include: Pi Beta Phi Delta Delta Delta Kappa Kappa Gamma Chi Omega Alpha Chi Omega, Some popular sororities across most campuses include: (In no particular order) Sigma Gamma Rho Alpha Kappa Alpha Zeta Phi Beta Delta Sigma Theta The most popular sororities with the best reputations and strongest chapters are Pi Beta Phi Kappa Alpa Theta Delta Delta Delta Chi Omega Delta Gamma Kappa Kappa Gamma
The college that Alpha Phi Alpha was founded at was Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Alpha Phi Alpha was created by seven men who wanted a bond of Brotherhood of African Americans in the United States.
tau gamma phi
Phi Gamma Delta was created on 1848-05-01.
Tau gamma phi
Gamma Theta Phi was created in 1964.
Mu Phi Epsilon's motto is 'Seeketh not its own'.
Kappa Phi Gamma was created on 1998-11-08.
Gamma Theta Phi's motto is 'Fraternity and Charity'.
4 chi omega alpha chi omega kappa kappa gamma pi beta phi
Phi Alpha Gamma was created on 1894-03-25.
Gamma Kappa Phi's motto is 'There's No Such Thing As Failure'.