To convert the fraction 2/7 to a decimal, you divide the numerator (2) by the denominator (7). This gives you 0.285714285714... To round this decimal to the nearest hundredth, you look at the third decimal place (5) and round up if the fourth decimal place is 5 or greater. Therefore, the fraction 2/7 to the nearest hundredth is approximately 0.29.
Circumference = n (pi) x diameter The diameter always equals 2 x radius. So the diameter of this circle is 5. Multiply by pi. 5 x 3.142.. = 15.7 to the nearest decimal place
The circumference is equal to r2*pie or 38.5 inchesAnother answer:Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or pi*diameterCircumference = 7*pi = 21.99114858 or 22.0 inches to one decimal place.
It is already rounded to exactly that degree.
It is: 87.66
Pi to 33 decimal places = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502 So, the number 0 is the 33rd digit (of you count the 3 before the decimal place) But, if you count after the decimal place, then it is the number 2.
The correct answer is 4.61
It is: 0.54
The 500th decimal of Pi is 2.
To convert the fraction 2/7 to a decimal, you divide the numerator (2) by the denominator (7). This gives you 0.285714285714... To round this decimal to the nearest hundredth, you look at the third decimal place (5) and round up if the fourth decimal place is 5 or greater. Therefore, the fraction 2/7 to the nearest hundredth is approximately 0.29.
For the vast majority of day-to-day uses, pi is quoted as 3.14. This is equivalent to 3 significant figures, 2 decimal places, or pi 'to the nearest hundreth'.
Circumference = n (pi) x diameter The diameter always equals 2 x radius. So the diameter of this circle is 5. Multiply by pi. 5 x 3.142.. = 15.7 to the nearest decimal place
The circumference is equal to r2*pie or 38.5 inchesAnother answer:Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or pi*diameterCircumference = 7*pi = 21.99114858 or 22.0 inches to one decimal place.
The sixteenth decimal place (to the right) of Pi is the number 2. However, Pi to only 11 places to the right of the decimal is accurate for a circle the circumference of the earth to within 1 mm. Pi to 16 places is: 3.1415926535897932