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Q: What is pi to 1000000000 (one billion) places?
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What are the first billionth digit of pi?

It's the floor of pi*1000000000.

More than 1 billion decimal places for pi were calculated and known by what year?


What are 1000000000 digits of pi?

See the Related Links section below.

What is the value of pi to a billion decimal places?

Pi has been calculated to over 100 billion decimal places. This answer format cannot display more than a few thousand of the digits.(The term "digits" includes the number 3 at the start.) * See the related links to the 1 million and 1 billion-plus sites

How many decimal places of pi have been calculated 1999?

As of April 1999, 68.7 billion places had been calculated. As of September 1999, 206 billion places had been calculated.

What is pie 3.14 to the billionth place value?

It's pi not pie not enough room here for a billion places

If you were to type one billion decimals of Pi how long it be?

1 billion and 1 significant figures, 1 billion and 2 characters.

What is pi to thirty- one decimal places?


What technological invention allows us to calculate the value of pi to over 2 billion places?

The computer! Though why anyone wants pi toso many significiant figures is another matter.

How many decimal places of pi would you need to use to find the radius?

either two million, 39, 48,000, or 6 billion

What is the number of decimal places of pi calculated in 1999?

In April 1999, Yasumasa Kanada and Daisuke Takahashi calculated pi to 68.7 billion places. In September 1999 they improved that to just over 206 billion.The current record (in May 2016) is 13.3 trillion.

What is the value of pi in decimal places?

Pi has an infinite number of decimal places