pi = 3.14159 to five decimal places
39/100=0.39 The one's place goes into the 100th place in the decimal.
The decimal for pie is:3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628.
It is 2.2018775159>2
pi = 3.14159 to five decimal places
There is no decimal after which pie stops repeating. Pie is a continuous number and goes on infinitely. It is commonly rounded to 3.14, however, after the hundredths place.
39/100=0.39 The one's place goes into the 100th place in the decimal.
The decimal for pie is:3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628.
It is 2.2018775159>2
pie is 3.14
The second zero to the right of the decimal point is the hundredths (1/100) place.
one tenth
Rounded to one decimal place, 3.61 is approximately equal to 3.6.
To write seventy nine hundredths as a decimal, you simply divide 79 by 100. This gives you 0.79 as the decimal equivalent. The decimal point is placed before the 7, indicating that it is in the tenths place.