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the plane- strain conditions in civil engineering is that state in which the strain in one direction is zero as in long retaining walls, strip foundations, ...etc.

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Q: What is plane strain condition?
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How do you measure the force for a plane?

The force acting on a plane can be measured by instruments called strain gauges, which detect the deformation (strain) in the plane's structure caused by applied forces. These measurements can be used to calculate the force applied to the plane in various directions. Flight data recorders and load cells are also used to measure forces on a plane during flight and while on the ground.

What is the difference between dynamic strain aging and strain aging?

Strain aging could be described as " normal wear and tear " or the fatigue that is experienced under normal conditions, whereas Dynamic strain would be an out of the normal range stress condition like a one time over stress condition where the sum of much strain aging is experienced in one " dynamic" occurrence.

What is plane stress condition?

It is a condition in which normal and shear stresses directed perpendicular to the "x-y"plane are assumed to be "zero"

What rhymes with the name Jane?

cane, plain, main, train, plane, crane, strain, lane,

What does it mean strain on the heart?

strain on the heart means that there is some pathological condition causing the heart to work harder. e.g stenosis, emboli, infarction... we can observe this strain by using methods like ECG or echocardiogram.

Why is the theoretical value for modulus of elastricity for mild steel is different from the calculated value?

because it is the ratio of the stress to the strain and in actual condition the strain developed is different from the theoretical .

What condition must exist so that an object placed on an inclined plane will not slide down the plane?

the inclined plane must be very rough

What condition must exist so that an object place on an inclined plane will not slide down the plane?

the inclined plane must be very rough

What is the neutral plane?

The neutral plane is a concept in structural engineering that refers to the plane within a beam where there is no stress or strain resulting from bending. It is the boundary between the tensile and compressive regions of a beam subjected to bending loads.

Can elderly horses travel on a plane?

Yes, elderly horses can travel on a plane, but it is important to consider their health condition and overall well-being before subjecting them to air travel. The stress and physical strain of flying can be challenging for older horses, so careful planning and consultation with a veterinarian is recommended to ensure their safety and comfort during the journey.

What has the author O H Narayanan written?

O. H. Narayanan has written: 'Investigation of bulge formation in plane-strain strip drawing'