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Q: What is predefined rule?
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Why is syntax analysis is based on grammar?

Syntax analysis (parsing) is to determine a text is conform to a predefined rule. A rule is the format, the sequence, to compose an element or abstraction (words, fields, tokens, nodes in xml, area code in a sequence of digits, etc.). Grammar is a collection of these predefined rules.

How many predefined color schemes does word have?

20, Word has 20 predefined color schemes.

Can you call predefined function recursively?

Guess you meant: can a recursive function call predefined functions? Answer: sure, why not.

What are predefined codes?

Predefined codes or the predefined functions are the codes small or large codes which are predefined by the maker of the language. In C++ the predefined codes can be included in the program by the header files. These codes are placed in files and functions could be used to access them. Like a simple console Code to output "Hello World" uses a predefined code cout

Is a predefined graphic.?


How do you draw line without using any predefined function?

That won't happen, you have to have a predefined putpixel (or something like that) function.

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A predefined graphic?

clip art

A banner is an example of a predefined what?


What is a Generic Function in c plus plus?

Predefined functions are built-in functions that perform standard operations and that generally do not depend on any classes. A predefined void function is simply a predefined function that has no return value. An example of a predefined void function is the abort() function which typically has the following signature: void abort(void);

How constant are used in c?

it is predefined function

Is clip art a predefined graphic?