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Q: What is pressure diagram?
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The lines of constant pressure shown on the surface pressure diagram are called?

Line of constant pressure shown on the surface pressure diagram are called isobars. Isobars show areas of high pressure and areas of low pressure. The surface pressure diagram can be used to predict weather patterns.

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Why phase diagram is called equilibrium diagram?

A phase diagram of the equilibrium relationship between temperature, pressure, and composition in any system.

Where can I find Honda small engine pressure washer diagram?

honda power washer diagram

Where is a diagram of pressure points?

A diagram of the body's pressure points can be found in a medical book. More specifically, you should look in a book dedicated to anatomy and nerves.

Kia Sedona ac pressure switch wiring diagram?

You can find a AC pressure switch wiring diagram, for your Kia Sedona, at your local Kia dealership. You can also find the diagram at most auto-parts stores.

What is a phase diagram?

a diagram showing the effects of temperature and pressure on phase

How isobar diagram is used?

An isobar diagram is commonly used in weather forecasting. It shows lines of equal air pressure.

What does a phase diagram provide?

"A phase diagram is a graph of pressure versus temperature that shows in which phase a substance exists under different condition of temperature and pressure" -Glencoe Chemistry Book

Block diagram for Bourdon pressure gauge?

------------>[bourdon tube]--------->[level & gear]---------->[pointer,scales]-------> pressure small amplified pressure displacement displacement

Using the phase diagram for CO2, what phase is carbon dioxide in at 12 atm pressure and -40 C apex?

At 12 atm pressure and -40°C, carbon dioxide is in the solid phase according to the phase diagram. This corresponds to the region of the phase diagram where CO2 exists in the solid state at those specific pressure and temperature conditions.

What happens when the portion of a pressure-enthalpy diagram is beneath the saturation curve?
