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A prime cost is the allowance that is usually measured by the cost consultant for the needed supplies at work. It is to be provided by the contractors or the suppliers.

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Q: What is prime cost sum?
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What is prime cost sum in construction?

The term "Prime Cost Sum" shall mean a sum provided for work or services to be executed by a Nominated Sub-contractor or for material s or goods to be obtained from a Nominated Supplier. Such sum shall be deemed to be exclusive of any profit or attendance required by the Contractor and provision shall be made for the additional thereof.

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Prime Cost has two meanings in construction. 1) Prime cost is the sum of all of the specialist works and specialist materials from nominated sub-contractors (NSC) and suppliers on site. The main Contractor can place a % profit and attendance on NSC, this must be adjusted in the final account. This is a Prime Cost as referred to in the Bill of Quantities 2) Prime cost in regards to a contract is the sum of all the major works which the Main Contractor must produce under the contract. Maybe knowing this will help you see the difference? I have never heard the phrase "work cost" to compare with prime cost.

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Sum of 1st 25 prime no?

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