77 = 7 x 11 101 is a prime number. 213 = 3 x 71
1, 3, 213
The prime factors of 213 are 3 x 71
No, 3x5x4 is not a prime factorization of 60. A prime factorization of 60 would consist of only prime numbers. The prime factorization of 60 is 2x2x3x5.
When all the factors are prime numbers, that's a prime factorization.
3 x 71
77 = 7 x 11 101 is a prime number. 213 = 3 x 71
1, 3, 213
Prime factorization of: 56 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 101= 101 84 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 77 = 7 x 11 213 = 3 x 71
3 x 71 = 213
The prime factors of 213 are 3 x 71
No, 3x5x4 is not a prime factorization of 60. A prime factorization of 60 would consist of only prime numbers. The prime factorization of 60 is 2x2x3x5.
When all the factors are prime numbers, that's a prime factorization.
Prime Factorization of 22The prime factorization of 22 is:2 X 11Both numbers are prime, so 2 X 11 is the prime factorization of 22.
prime factorization is the factorization of numbers
The prime factorization is... 2x2x2x2x2x5x5
how do i get the prime factorization of 45