3 is a prime number.
3; a prime number is a number that can only be divided by itself or 1.. and the ribs may be spare :)
3 is a prime number
A prime number is one which has only two factors- 1, and itself. 3 is a prime number, as the only way to multiply two numbers to make 3 is 1x3 4 is not. You can make 4 by 1x4 and 2x2 10 is not. You can make 10 by 1x10 and 2x5
None because 4 and 10 are not a prime numbers
3 and ribs
3 is a prime number.
3 is a prime number.
3; a prime number is a number that can only be divided by itself or 1.. and the ribs may be spare :)
3 is a prime number, and 4 and 10 are composite.
if you mean "which is prime 4, 10, or 3?" the answer is 3
3 is prime. 4 can be represented as 2x2, and is not prime 10 can be represented as 5x2, and is not prime
3 is a prime number but 10 and 4 isn't
3 is prime.
3 is. 4 and 10 are composite
3 is a prime number .
3 is prime.