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Q: What is printing that slopes to the right called?
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What printing types usually slopes to the right?


A kind of printing that slopes to the right?

Italic printing slopes to the right, with the letters slanting to the right at an angle. Italic fonts are often used to emphasize text or for decorative purposes in design and typography.

Why Demand Curve slopes downward from left to right?

why demand curve slopes downward from left to the right

What type of slope does a line that slopes upward have?

A line that slopes to the right and up has a positive slope.

How do you determine if a triangle has a right angle by multiplying slopes?

Well, when the slopes of the perpendicular sides of the right triangle are mutiplied, the result should be -1.

What are the slopes of perpendicular lines called?

Slopes of line perpendicular to the x-axis are undefined.

What are terraced slopes?

Slopes that have been plowed with a soil, and erosion conservation technique called terracing.

What is a group of mountain slopes in one area called?

A group of mountain slopes in one area is called a mountain range.

What is a large volcano with deep slopes called?

It is called the stratovolcano.

Where did printing start?

it starts on the t'ang dynasty in china...this printing is called as "block printing".

What geological and climatic conditions are likely to affect slope replacement?

Slopes are categorized in groups called primary slopes and secondary slopes. Primary slopes promote relief while secondary slopes decrease relief. Moist areas are great for the progression of vegetation and soil.

What are dry areas on the leeward slopes called?
