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Q: What is probability and how is it related to heredity?
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How does probability apply to heredity?

Probability applies to heredity with the inheritance of certain genes and alleles that together make up heredity. The question has to do with probability in that each parent cell can contribute one half of its genes. Because it splits through meiosis a parent cell can have one of two parts. The other parent cell has the same possibility of splits. Therefore, one half times one half is one fourth. That is the probability of each gene being passed on.

Is that Leucoderma is general diseases or heredity Diseases?

Leucoderma is related to heredity and is an autosomal dominant one.

How is the genetic material of a parent inherited by offspring in sexual reproduction?

The most common answer to this question is heredity.

How is probability related to statistics?

Probability is related to statistics in a direct manner. When one is doing a research for statistics, probability has to be used especially in sampling a small region.

How to calculate empirical probability?

Bayesian probability ; see related link .

How are probability and statistics related?

Probability is the theoretical basis that underpins statistics.

How is heredity and evolution related?

It is because Allah made it like that

What is Probability and how is it related to design?

probability is the chance or likely hood that something will occur

How are probability and genetics related?


The most important function of nucleic acids is?

storing information relayed to heredity and protein synthesis.

How is the term probability related to genetics?

The term probability is related to genetics because they both give guesses about how something that might be the outcome of something