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Q: What is processing modes?
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What electronic data prossing modes?

1)online processing 2)real-time processing 3)distributed processing 4)time-sharing 5)batch processing 6)multiprocessing 7)multitasking 8)interactive procrssing

A company that primarily relies upon technology for minor back office processing can be best categorized as which of Nolan and McFarlan's modes of dependency on IT?


What are techniques of reconstructions in dsp?

The techniques for reconstructions in DSP include signal processing, sampling and quantization, and eventually replacing hardware with software. Techniques generally begin with sampling in all modes.

What are the modes for 1656 and 8?

There are no modes.

What is the difference between INSERT and TYPE OVER editing modes as used in word processing?

Insert - adds characters after the cursor's position. Overtype - replaces existing text with whatever the operator types.

What if there is two modes?

Write both modes

What happens you have 2 modes?

you write both of the modes as your answer

How are precious metals and stones transported to the processing sites?

Primarily, security and physical protection from theft mark the transit plans for precious metals and gem stones. Otherwise, common modes of transit are employed.

What is the order from earliest to latest of these compositional innovations Rhythmic Modes Church Modes Oblique Motion Isorhythm?

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Why Transverse electromagnetic modes important mode in application of laser?

Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) modes are important in laser applications because they ensure that the light emitted from the laser is well-defined and does not diverge significantly. This is crucial for maintaining a focused beam for precise cutting, drilling, or other laser processing tasks. Additionally, TEM modes allow for better control and manipulation of the laser beam characteristics, leading to more efficient and effective use in various applications.

How do you define different Ag and Bg phonon modes?

Ag phonon modes refer to acoustic phonon modes where all atoms move in phase, while Bg phonon modes refer to optical phonon modes where atoms move in opposite directions. Ag modes are usually lower in energy and frequency compared to Bg modes. These modes are often used to describe the vibrational behavior of crystals in condensed matter physics.

What are the modes of transmission of pathogens?

descibe the modes of transfer of pathogens